Rowley Records
War of 1812 Pension Applications

About these Files

1-7.1513 6823 Aaron Rowley Martha Campbell WI SO-20,848
1-7.0014/8.2 9224 Aaron Rowley Betsey T. Witters VT WO-29,024
WC- 29,071
2-5.044 8384 Bildad Rowley Nancy Welles CT SO-4,009
SC- 1,846
1-7.1550 6890 Caleb S. Rowley Sophia Bidlack MI WO-20,554
WC- 23,772
  10850 Charles Rowley Amelia Tuttle KY SO-2,923
SC- 3,263
1-7.1563 6885 Constant Rowlee Christann Grundy MI WO-15,535
WC- 9,980
  8291 George Rowley/Rolley Angeline Coventry OH WO-31,366
WC- 27,581
  10875 James Rowley/Rowlens Ann Lambdin MD WO-17,261
WC- 9,548
  10853 John Rowley Sarah La Due NY WO-7,284
  10855 John J. Rowley Anna Marlatt MI WO-41,081
WC- 32,192
3-2.001 7828 John S. Rowley Nancy Lason NY WO-7,584
WC- 3,918
    Nathan Rowley   NY Old War, IF-#27401
2-6.0441 10857 Nathaniel Rowley Olive Evans IA WO-21,741
WC- 18,989
1-7.0016 ? 5138 Reuben Rowley Rebecca ----- VT WO- 12,054
MINOR 1,049
1-7.0259/8.5 10864 Samuel Rowley Elizabeth McCumber OH SO-8,892
SC- 17,568
1-7.0889 9 Silas Rowley Anna N. Turrill MI SO-4,008
SC- 5,260
1-7.0874 1713 Simeon Rowley Lucy Hayward NY SO-12,101
SC 21,998
1-7.2485 10866 Walter E. Rowley Margaret Winkler NY WO-28,139
WC- 22,340
1-7.2389 10869 William Rowley Laney Shaffer NY SO-12,102
SC- 7,147
  10871 William Rowley Hanna Spudd (?) PA SO-15,245
SC- 5,054

[The above data were extracted from files at the Archives at Washington, DC by T. W. Rowley.]

Revised: March 09, 2012.