Rowley Family



Family Histories






Francis Nash of Braintree, Mass., and 1550 of His Descendants
By Vernon S. Phillips.
(Akron, Ohio, The Puritan Manuscripts, 1933)
Pages 26 and 49.

A Genealogy of The Nesbit, Ross, Porter, Taggart Families of Pennsylvania
By Blanche T. Hartman.
(Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Privately Printed, 1929)
Page 98.

Newton Families of Colonial, Connecticut, Vol. 2: Thomas Newton, Rev. Roger Newton
Author Unknown..
(Publication data unknown.)
Page 195 and 196.

Newton Genealogy, Genealogical, Biographical, Historical, Being a Record of the Descendants of Richard Newton of Sudbury and Marlborough, Massachusetts, 1638; with Genealogies of Families Descended from the Immigrants, Rev. Robert Newton of Milford, Connecticut, Thomas Newton of Fairfield, Connecticut, Matthew Newton of Stonington, Connecticut, Newtons of Virginia, Newtons near Boston
Compiled by Ermina Newton Leonard.
(De Pere, Wisconsin, Bernard Ammidown Leonard, 1915)
Pages 321 and 679.

History and Genealogy of the Family of Thomas Noble of Westfield, Massachusetts, with Genealogical Notes of Other Families by the Name of Noble
Compiled by Lucius M. Boltwood.
(Hartford, Connecticut, Case Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1878)
Pages 246 and 521.

The Northrup-Northrop Genealogy
By A. Judd Northrup.
(New York, New York, The Grafton Press, 1908)
Page 94.

Some Descendants of John Norton of Branford, 1622-1709, With Notes and Dates of Other Emigrant Nortons, etc.
By Walter Whittlesey Norton.
(Lakeville, Connecticut, The Journal Press, 1909)
Page 7.

Noyes-Gilman Ancestry, Being a Series of Sketches, with a Chart of the Ancestors of Charles Phelps Noyes and Emily H. (Gilman) Noyes, His Wife
By Charles P. Noyes.
(St. Paul, Minnesota, Gillis Press [NY], 1907)
Page 398.

Genealogical Record of Some of the Noyes Descendants of James, Nicholas and Peter Noyes
By Col. Henry E. Noyes and Harriette E. Noyes.
(Boston, Massachusetts, 1904)
Page 191.

A Genealogy of the Nye Family
Compiled by George Hyatt Nye.
(The Nye Family of America Association, 1907)
Page 469.0

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Last Modified 03/09/12