Descendants of George Abbott, of Rowley, Mass., of his Joint
Descendants with George Abbott, Sr., of Andover, Mass.
by Maj. Lemuel Abijah Abbott, U. S. Army.
(Published by the Compiler, 1906)
Page 825.The Ackerman Family, Volume II
Complied by Barbara W. Tobey
Pages 170 and 261.
John Adams of Plymouth, Mass. (1621) and His Descendants
Compiled by Rachel Adams (Cloud) Pond, and Col. Clifton Ray Pond, D. D.
(New York, 1963)
Pages 85, 86, and 103.
A Genealogical History of Robert Adams, of Newbury, Mass., and His Descendants,
Compiled and edited by Andrew N. Adams
(Rutland, VT., The Tuttle Co., Printers, 1900)
Pages 184 and 515.
The George Aldrich Genealogy, 1605-1977, Volume III, IV
Compiled by Alvin James Aldrich
(Printed for the Subscribers, 1971)
Pages 42, 197, 198, and 219.
A Genealogy of the Descendants of Alexander Alvord
Compiled by Samuel Morgan Alvord
(Webster, N.Y., A. D. Andrews, Printer, 1908)
Pages 131, 156, and 157.
The Ames Family of Bruton, Somerset, England
by Faber K. Ames, M. A.
(Los Angeles, CA., 1969)
Pages 110 and 115.
Children of Mt. Soma, Baltimore (now in Harford) County, Maryland,
(Amos-Stephens Families)
by Gertrude Louise (Johnson) Stephens, Maurine (Collins) Schmitz.
(Date unknown)
Pages 101, 102, and 103.
Genealogy of the Andrews of Taunton and Stoughton, Mass., Descendants of John
and Hannah Andrews of Boston, Mass., 1656 to 1886
Compiled by Lieut. George Andrews, U. S. Army
(Rochester, NY, E. R. Andrews, Printers and Bookbinder, 1887)
Page 36.
Genealogical History of John and Mary Andrews, Who Settled in Farmington, Conn., 1640:
Embracing Their Descendants to 1872
By Alfred Andrews
(Chicago, IL, A. H. Andrews & Co., 1872)
Page 554.
Colonial Ancestors, Four lineal genealogies of eastern Connecticut families
descending from: William Andrews of Hartford, Robert Fuller of Salem and Rehoboth,
Lazerus Manley of Coventry and Mansfield, John White of Hartford and Hadley.
Mary Naomi Foster, researcher, compiler; also, Edward H. Little, C.A.L.S., Editor.
(Camden, Maine, Penobscot Press, 1991).
Pages 12 and 13.
Arnold Families of Saratoga County, New York
By Richard D. Arnold
Page 47.
Arnold, Redway and Earle Families
Compiled by Willis Arnold Boughton.
(Fort Lauderdale, Florida; 1948)
Page 17.
The Ashby Book, Descendants of Captain Thomas Ashby of Virginia
Lee Fleming Reese, M. A., compiler.
Pages 42, 1013a, and 1013b.
A Genealogy of the Descendants of Robert Austin of Kingstown, Rhode Island
By Edith Austin Moore.
Pages 122, 180, and 224.
The Averell-Averill-Avery Family, A Record of the Descendants of William and
Abigail Averell of Ipswich, Mass.
Compiled by Clara A. Avery
Pages 548 and 770.
Arthur Aylsworth and His Descendents in America
By Homer Elhanan Aylsworth, M. D.
(Providence, R.I.; Narragansett Historical Publishing Company, 1887)
Pages 103 and 206.
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Last Modified 03/09/12